
我们接受来自任何地区的任何学生,只要他们年满15岁并持有许可证. 俄勒冈市驾驶教育课程是一门安全课程.  这门课是教你的学生如何在车里保持安全, 这不是一门教你如何开车的课. Your student must have 10-15 hours of practice driving with an adult once they receive their permit prior to attending our class.


  • Your student must have a minimum of 10-15 hours of drive experience after obtaining their permit before our safety classes begin.

  • 驾驶教育计划是针对15-17岁的学生

  • 注册时必须持有俄勒冈州现行的教学许可证. (必须已收到车管所邮寄的塑胶许可证)

  • 在登记时必须提供许可证编号、有效期和签发日期.

  • 要求100%出勤率在课堂和驾驶实验室.

  • 在获得驾驶执照之前完成课程 18岁之前.



  • 30小时的课堂教学

  • 6小时的驾驶指导

  • 6小时车内观察

  • While enrolled in our class a minimum of 5 hours home supervised driving is required with a licensed adult driver. 您将在此家庭监督驱动器日志中记录此内容.

  • 家长应该和他们的学生一起练习, 他们预定驾驶实验室之间的路线. This is the only way to reinforce what the program has taught in the classroom 和 behind the wheel.

  • 教室和驾驶实验室时间表. 参见lovebet爱博电竞链接.

  • 阅读策略



驱动实验室信息:秋天, 冬天, 春季(夏季时间表参照夏季驾驶lovebet爱博电竞)

  • 在注册时,您将获得课堂日选项和驱动实验室选项

  • 驾驶实验从课堂第二周开始. 在为期10周的课堂教学中,每周有6周的Drive Labs.

  • 车辆被停放在俄勒冈城市高中的北停车场,靠近D-E入口

  • 驱动实验室将在OCHS开始和结束.

  • 学生必须在预定的驾驶实验前5分钟到达.

  • 学生必须参加所有预定的驾驶实验.




The driver education program has a no-tolerance policy on student cell phone use in driver education vehicles. Students must store their cell phone in the center console of the driver education vehicle during their scheduled drive lab. 

Students, please remember to retrieve your cell phone out of the console after the drive lab.


  • 只有当你生病时才应该缺课.

  • 所有缺勤都必须补足. Make-up sessions will not require an additional fee if they are fulfilled during regularly scheduled class times. 补课安排请与班主任沟通.

  • Students who do not meet the requirements will need to re-register 和 pay an additional full-term registration fee to receive the 竣工证书.

  • 如何安排 缺课-电子邮件司机.Education@orecity.k12.or.us


  • 如果学生生病,只有家长可以取消驾驶实验. 取消必须在预定的驾驶实验室前至少24小时.

  • Illness will require an automatically re-scheduled drive lab with no fee if drive instructor is notified via phone (text or verbal) at least 24 hours prior. 家长需要核实老师是否收到了缺勤通知.

  • Your student has a drive partner in addition to the instructor so please be courteous 和 show up on time to each drive lab. 最后一分钟取消将驾驶伙伴和教练在一个困难的情况. 所有驾驶实验室都是ODOT规定的. The charge of $100 stated above has to be charged so that an additional drive lab can be scheduled 和 the instructor can be paid additional to what their contract states if the proper procedure is not followed.

  • Drive lab attendance is extremely important because your student has a drive partner 和 our policy is not to drive with one student alone.

  • The student must be on time with a permit 和 ready to drive or the drive lab will need to be rescheduled with a $100 make-up fee. (夏季学期补课费120美元,由于3小时的驾驶实验室)

  • 如果你的学生当天因病没有上学,给司机发邮件.education@orecity.k12.or.我们要通知班主任. Other unavoidable circumstances with advance notice will be left up to the discretion of classroom 和/or BTW instructor 和/or program coordinator.


课程开始前不到两周,恕不退款.  课程开始前两周以上,50美元.由俄勒冈市司机教育项目保留. 


该豁免计划于2014年冬季生效, is simply DMV’s formal acknowledgement that students who pass an approved ODOT Driver Education Program have already demonstrated that they meet minimum performance st和ards. This is named the waiver program because it completely waives the DMV test based on the strength of the state’s approved driver education program. 这不会改变我们对待青少年的方式.

Students that pass the driver ed program will receive a plastic ODOT 竣工证书 Card. 当学生去车管所领取驾照时, 车管所放弃知识测试和驾驶测试.


You will receive an email from Suz Figini giving information about picking up the certificate of completion. 请给我一周的时间收到这封邮件.


学生必须参加所有的课程,任何缺课的时间都必须补足. They must turn in all assignments; turn in the driving log; 和 pass all class work, 测试, 在驾驶测试中达到80%或更高. 扰乱秩序的学生可能会被退学,且不退款. 如果学生有学习障碍, 我们将以任何方式提供帮助, 但他们必须能够表现出对课程的理解和知识. 在驾驶时,学生必须符合或通过检查表.


资金 for the Drivers Education program comes from two sources: students' tuition 和 reimbursement from the Oregon Department of Transportation. The local school districts do not fund the program, but classroom space is provided free of charge.


The driver education program is a state-subsidized program 和 that is how we can offer a tuition price of $400.00. 这个学费只适用于有许可证的学生,不适用有执照的司机. 如果学生有驾照, 在上课期间获得执照, 或者年满18岁才能完成课程, 学费是610美元.00.

驾驶员教育是获得临时执照(许可证)过程的一部分。. 18岁的人不需要有临时驾照. That is why the state does not subsidize the driver education program if the student is 18 or older or licensed.


太平洋海鲜 brought one of their delivery trucks to OCHS to the summer driver education classes.
The students got to climb into the driver's seat 和 see first-h和 what the driver actually sees from his mirrors.  All the students were surprised at how far back the driver education car was behind the 太平洋海鲜 truck 和 still could not visually see the car but only the shadow of the car.  

The transportation manager at 太平洋海鲜 then came into the classroom 和 spoke to the class about being responsible safe drivers around trucks on the highways 和 roads. The students asked some great questions 和 the first-h和 experience was a true learning experience!  谢谢你! 太平洋海鲜


  • 俄勒冈市警察局

  • 有遗产的创伤护士

  • 俄勒冈市法院法官


A student who is enrolled in the Oregon City Driver Ed Program, 和 passes both the classroom behind the wheel 和 has turned in the home supervised drive log with a minimum of 5 hours will receive a certificate of completion card.

在最后一天上课之前, your student will be notified of the date 和 time to pickup the certificate completion card at OCHS.

Anyone can pick up the certificate in the student’s family as each certificate has to be signed for.


一旦你的学生收到结业证书卡, 他们约了车管所去领驾照, 让他们把卡带走吗. They will show the card to the teller at the DMV window 和 the teller will waive the Knowledge & 驾驶测试. If they have met all the other DMV requirements (refer to DMV website) then they should be able to just get their picture taken for their license.